Bible Apps
for Android phones and tablets, iPhone, and iPad

ўзбекча (Uzbek)

Also available in Latin script
Uzbek (Cyrillic script)Electronic Bibles
Муқаддас Китоб (2016) Ўзбекча Муқаддас Китоб
And Bible

After installation, select "Download Documents", choose your language, and download the documents you want.

And Bible

Mo'jizaviy kitob Faith Comes By Hearing Муқаддас Китоб (2016) Mo'jizaviy kitob

After installation, select "More..." then "Downloads", click the refresh icon in the upper right and refresh the source list. Then choose "IBT" and download the documents you want.


Faith Comes By Hearing
  Муқаддас Китоб (2016) Ўзбекча Муқаддас Китоб And Bible Mo'jizaviy kitob Pocket­Sword Faith Comes By Hearing
[1] App will never access the Internet.
[2] App fully functions without Internet but uses it to download modules.
[3] Some features require Internet.
[4] Audio is downloaded from the Internet.
Platform Android & iOS Android Android Android & iOS iOS Android & iOS
Special features Fully localized app For study, audio and Bible downloads For study and offline use Fully localized app For study and offline use Audio Bibles
Works without Internet
Audio capable
Муқаддас Китоб (2020)
Луғат, расмлар, жадваллар, қўлёзмалар ва хариталар, Тўғри йўл нима?, Ёрдамчи оятлар, Ўрта Осиёдаги масиҳийлар жамоати (2020)
Луғат (2008)
Bible stories
Инжил (2008)
Янги Аҳд шарҳи, Мерилл С. Тенни

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