May 22, 2023

The Institute for Bible Translation (IBT) has printed the first translation of the Pentateuch into the Lezgi language. Prior Scripture publications in Lezgi include: Excerpts from Matthew (1990); Mark (1996); Luke/Acts  (2004); the Children’s Bible (2009); Ruth/Esther/ Jonah (2010); the Four Gospels (2014); and the New Testament (2018).

The Lezgi language belongs to the Lezgic group of the Nakh-Dagestanian family of Caucasian languages. It is spoken by more than 700,000 people in southern Dagestan and northern Azerbaijan.

The translation work was carried out by a highly qualified IBT team that includes experts in the Lezgi language, as well as exegetes and Bible scholars. The translation was tested with native speakers and reviewed at the Tsadasa Institute of Language, Literature and Art in Dagestan...

May 15, 2023

The Institute for Bible Translation (IBT) has published the first-ever translation of the book of the prophet Daniel in the Avar language. The book of Daniel is one of the most widely read books of the Old Testament. It includes the well-known stories of Daniel in the lions’ den, the three young men in the fiery furnace, and the divine handwriting on the wall. It also contains many prophecies about the future.

The Avar language belongs to the Nakh-Dagestanian language family, with 956,800 speakers according to the 2021 census of the Russian Federation. It is also used as a language of interethnic communication by the Andic and Tsezic language groups. Avars live mainly in the Republic of Dagestan, where they constitute about 30% of the total population...

May 5, 2023

The Institute for Bible Translation (IBT) has published a translation of the Pentateuch into the Kalmyk language. In ancient Hebrew, the first five books of the Old Testament that make up the Pentateuch are called "Torah," which means "instruction" or "learning." Kalmyk readers, most of whom come from the Buddhist tradition, will now be able to discover  for themselves the wonderful world of biblical history: the Pentateuch lays the foundation of Old Testament religion with its  moral principles, describes the creation of the world and humanity, and tells how sin and suffering came into our world and distorted the relationship between God and people.

The first book of the Pentateuch,  Genesis,  was previously translated into Kalmyk and published in 2005. The other four books (Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) were translated between 2017 and 2022...

April 6, 2023
Четвероевангелие, Деяния апостолов и Откровение на даргинском яз., ИПБ, 2023

The Institute for Bible Translation (IBT) has published the Dargi edition of the Injil, containing six New Testament books: the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, the Acts of the Apostles, and the book of Revelation. The title of this edition, Injil, is mentioned several times in the Qur'an and is familiar to readers from the Muslim tradition. This word is the Arabic equivalent of the Greek word "Evangelion" and means “Good News”.

The Dargis are the second largest ethnic group in the Republic of Dagestan,  constituting about 16.5% of the republic's population. The Dargi language (with 485,705 speakers in Russia) belongs to the Nakh-Dagestanian family of North Caucasian languages. Dargis traditionally adhere to Sunni Islam...

March 27, 2023
Four Gospels, Acts and Revelation in the Lak language, IBT 2023

The Institute of Bible Translation (IBT) has published a new edition Injil in the Lak language, including the Four Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, and the book of Revelation.

The Laks (approximately 173,000 in Russia, according to the 2021 census) are one of the indigenous peoples of the central part of Dagestan, where there are about 60 Lak villages. The Lak language belongs to the Nakh-Dagestan language group. The Laks traditionally practice Islam.

Since the first Lak Scripture portion was published in 1996, the knowledge and skills of the translation team and their ability to translate the Biblical text have improved with each new edition. Many key terms have been clarified, the spelling of proper names has been polished, etc. Now all these books have been revised and printed in a single edition...