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The Gospel of John in the Ingush language

The Institute of Bible Translation has published a new Scripture edition in the Ingush language - the first-ever translation of the Gospel of John. This follows IBT’s Ingush-language publications of Luke's Gospel (2005, 2007); the books of Ruth, Esther, and Jonah (2015); and Genesis and Proverbs (2018).

The Ingush are a Vainakh ethnic group living in the North Caucasus, primarily in the Republic of Ingushetia. The total number of Ingush in Russia is about 450,000, acc. to the 2010 census.The Ingush are predominantly Sunni Muslims, with a Sufi background. Before the adoption of Islam in the 18th and 19th centuries, the Ingush were pagans and later Christians, as evidenced by ancient church buildings dating back to the 8th century.

The Gospels are known to Muslims as the Injil, an Arabic word derived from the Greek “Euangelion” (Gospel), which means "glad tidings". The Gospel of John recounts the life and ministry of Jesus Christ (Isa Masih), His teachings, the miracles He performed, and His death and resurrection. According to Christian tradition, the author of this Gospel was one of the twelve apostles of Isa Masih. John (Yahya) was with Isa from the beginning of His preaching and was an eyewitness to all the events he describes. Among the other parts of the Injil, Yahya's account of the Good News stands out for its special attention to the spiritual side of Isa Masih's teaching, His divinity, and His role as Savior of the world.

This translation, as well as previous Ingush-language editions, can be found in PDF format on IBT’s website in the electronic publications section.

