The Institute for Bible Translation, in partnership with Granat Publishers, has just added a new Russian-language edition to its scholarly series on Biblical Studies. This is a collection of articles on the subject of intertextuality in the Bible.
The main premise of intertextuality studies is that any particular text necessarily exists in the environment of other texts written prior to it, and reflects them to varying degrees. This characteristic of texts in general also applies to the Bible, which by its nature is a compilation of books written at different times in different places by individuals who spoke different languages. The Bible is filled with self-citations and references and allusions. The authors of the New Testament frequently quote the Old Testament; however, the cited text often conveys a slightly different meaning from that of the original text in light of the new context in which it is being used...

A Russian translation of Analyzing Discourse: A Manual of Basic Concepts by Robert A. Dooley and Stephen H. Levinsohn, linguists working with SIL International, is the latest scholarly edition published by IBT. This linguistic handbook was first published in English by SIL in 2000. The present edition was translated and contextualized by Russian linguists with the contemporary Russian speaker in mind.
The purpose of this book is to acquaint future field linguists with the basic concepts of discourse analysis, so that they can use them in analyzing linguistic material gathered in various languages. Having a sound grasp of textual discourse concepts and other principles of communication is necessary for studying a foreign language, doing lexical, semantic and morphosyntactic analysis, or carrying out practical tasks such as teaching, expressive writing or translating.

A presentation of IBT’s latest scholarly edition, The Pauline Epistles: Texts and Commentary, was held on September 26. IBT co-published this edition with publishing house “Granat”, which organized the presentation at a cultural center in Moscow.
Language Vitality Through Bible Translation, edited by Dr. Marianne Beerle-Moor and Dr. Vitaly Voinov and published by Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, is number 95 in the Berkeley Insights in Linguistics and Semiotics series.
This interdisciplinary collection of articles, written by scholars involved in translating the Bible into various languages around the world, demonstrates that such translation projects are promoting the vitality of local languages, both those that are endangered and those that are still fairly healthy but non-empowered...



A beautifully illustrated polyglot edition of the prologue to John's Gospel (1:1-17), also known as the Easter/Paschal polyglot edition because this passage is read in va