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Selected scholarly and literary publications of present and past IBT translation staff and consultants


Alekseev, Mikhail (†, exegetical advisor in various Dagestanian projects, 1993-2014)

2011. Перевод Библии на языки народов России: социолингвистические аспекты. (Bible Translation into the Languages of Russia: Sociolinguistic Aspects.) Moscow: Academia Press.

2003 Сравнительно-историческая морфология нахско-дагестанских языков. Категории имени. (A Historical-Comparative Analysis of Nominal Morphology in Nakh-Dagestanian Languages.) Moscow: Academia Press.

1988. Сравнительно-историческая морфология аваро-андийских языков. (A Historical-Comparative Analysis of the Morphology of Avaro-Andi Languages.) Moscow

Arapovich, Borislav (IBT founder and director, 1973-1997)

2005. Prolomom. (Biblioteka Suvremenici 40). Mostar : DHK HB.

2003. Библиография переводов Библии на языки народов России, стран СНГ и Балтии. (Bibliography of Bible translations into the languages of Russia, the CIS and the Baltic republics. Preliminary edition.) IBT.

2002. Between despair and lamentation. [Translated from Croatian by Ivana Pozajić Jerić ; edited by Nancy C. Lee]. Elmhurst, Ill. : Elmhurst College Press.

2002. Krigsdimmor : från Kroatien och Bosnien-Hercegovina 1991-1995. (War Mists: From Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina 1991-1995.) Stockholm: Codices.

1999. Hrvatski mirospis 1778. (Croatian Peace Manifest 1778.) Mostar: Matica hrvatska.

1984. Miroslav Krležas Hrvatski bog Mars. (Miroslav Krleža's The Croatian God Mars.) Stockhom: Stockholm University

Beerle-Moor, Marianne (IBT Russia director, 1997-2013; Lezgi project consultant, 1998-present)

2015. Language Vitality Through Bible Translation. (Co-editor.) Berkeley Insights in Linguistics and Semiotics - Volume 95. Peter Lang Publishing.

1985. Studien Zum Lesgischen Verb. (Studies in the Lezgi Verb.) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

Clark, David (consultant in various IBT projects, 1995-2014)

2011. “Linguistic and Cultural Influences on Interpretation in Translations of the Bible”. Published in: The Oxford Handbook of The Reception History of the Bible, ed. by M. Lieb, E. Mason, and J. Roberts, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 200-213.

2006. “Structural Similarities in 1 and 2 Thessalonians: Comparative Discourse Anatomy”. Published in: The Intertextuality of the Epistles: Explorations of Theory and Practice (New Testament Monographs, 16), ed. by T. L. Brodie, D. R. MacDonald and S. E. Porter, Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, pp. 196-207.

2004. “Minority Language Biblical Translation Work in Russia: Then and Now”. Published in: Sowing the Word: The Cultural Impact of the British and Foreign Bible Society 1804-2004, ed. by S. Batalden, K. Cann and J. Dean, Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, pp. 217-233

2004. “Anthropology and the 'End User': The Influence of Receptor Cultures on the Translation of the Bible”. Published in: Anthropology and Biblical Studies: Avenues of Approach, ed. by L. J. Lawrence and M. I. Aguilar, Leiden: Deo Publishing, pp. 62-76.

2002. A Handbook on Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. (Co-author.) New York: United Bible Societies.

1989. A Handbook on the Books of Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah. (Co-author.) New York: United Bible Societies

Cotrozzi, Stefano (exegetical advisor in various IBT projects, 1998-2013)

2010. Expected and Unexpected: Aspects of Pragmatic Foregrounding in Old Testament Narratives. LHBOTS, 510. New York: T&T Clark.

2004. Ewenkische Erzaehlungen aus der Insel Sachalin. (Evenki Folk Tales from Sakhalin Island). (Co-author.) Bonn: Verlag fuer Kultur und Wissenschaft.

2002. Ewenkische Märchen. Ethnographischer Umriß, Texte, Übersetzung und Wörterbuch. (Evenki Fairy Tales. Ethnographical Notes, Texts, Translations and Dictionary.). (Co-author.) Bonn: Verlag fuer Kultur und Wissenschaft.

2001. “Where from and where to? Translating 1 Thessalonians 4.14b”. Published in: The Bible Translator, 52(4), pp. 424-430.

1999. “1 Thes 2,7 – A Review”. Published in: Filologia Neotestamentaria 23-24/XII, pp. 155-160.

1998. Exegetischer Führer zum Titus- und Philemonbrief. (Exegetical Guide to the Letters to Titus and Philemon.) Bonn: VKW.

Crisp, Simon (IBT translation dep't head, 1980s-1990s; consultant in various IBT projects, 1998-2008)

2014. “The Correspondence of Erwin Nestle with the BFBS and the 'Nestle-Kilpatrick' Greek New Testament Edition of 1958”. Published in:  Early Readers, Scholars and Editors of the New Testament (Texts and Studies, Vol. 11), ed. by H.A.G. Houghton, Gorgias Press, pp. 189-206.

2013. “The KJV in Orthodox Perspective”. Published in: The King James Version at 400: Assessing Its Genius as Bible Translation and Its Literary Influence, ed. by D. G. Burke, J. F. Kutsko and P. H. Towner, Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature pp. 445-454.

2013. “Manuscripts, Textual Variants, and Bible Translators”. Published in: The Bible Translator  64(2), pp. 118–127.

2006. “P46 and Good as New: The Bearing of Manuscript Evidence on Decisions about Canon”. Published in: Canon and Modern Bible Translation in Interconfessional Perspective,  ed. by Lénart J. de Regt, United Bible Societies.

2002. “Icon of the Ineffable: An Orthodox View of Language and its Implications for Bible Translation”. Published in: Bible Translation on the Threshold of the 21st Century: Authority, Reception, Culture and Religion,  ed. by A. Brenner and J. W. van Henten, Sheffield: SAP/Continuum. pp. 36-49.

1989. “Soviet Language Planning 1917-53”. Published in: Language Planning in the Soviet Union, ed. by M. Kirkwood, Houndmills/London: Macmillan Press, pp. 23-45.

Desnitsky, Andrei (consultant in various IBT projects, 1999-present)

2015. Современный библейский перевод: Теория и методология.   (Contemporary Bible Translation: Theory and Methodology). Moscow: PSTGU Press.

2014. “Euphony in the Septuagint: Genesis 49 and Exodus 15 as Study Cases”. Published in: Journal of Biblical Text Research , No. 35, pp. 218-248.

2011. Введение в библейскую экзегетику (Introduction to Biblical Exegesis). Moscow: PSTGU Press, 2011.

2007. Поэтика библейского параллелизма. (The Poetry of Biblical Parallelism). Moscow: St. Andrew’s Biblical Theological Institute Press.

2006. “The Vision of the Old Testament Canon in the Russian Orthodox Church”. Published in: Canon and Modern Bible Translation in Interconfessional Perspective, ed. by L.J. de Regt, Istanbul: UBS, pp. 91-105.

2005. “The Septuagint as a Base Text for Bible Translations in Russia”. Published in: The Bible Translator, 56(4), pp. 245-252.

2002. “Bible Translation as Literary Translation”. Published in: Current Trends in Scripture Translation, ed. by P. Noss. United Bible Societies, Bulletin 194/195, pp. 61-72.

Fokin, Alexey (exegetical advisor in Dungan project, 2001-2012)

2014. Формирование тринитарной доктрины в латинской патристике (The Formation of Trinitarian Doctrine in Latin Patristics.) Moscow: Sts. Cyril and Methodius Theological Institute of Post-Graduate Studies.

2010. Иероним Стридонский: библеист, экзегет, теолог (St. Jerome: Bible Scholar, Exegete, Theologian.) Moscow: Center for Biblical and Patrological Studies at the Moscow Orthodox Academy.

2006. “Учение о богодухновенности Священного Писания в Древней Церкви (I–V вв.)". (The Doctrine of the Inspiration of Holy Scripture in the Ancient Church, 1st-4th centuries.) Published in: Православие и Библия сегодня. Kiev, pp. 92-135.

2005. Латинская патрология. Том 1.  (Latin Patrology, Volume 1.) М.: Греко-латинский Кабинет; Наука, 2005. – Т. I.

2001, 2002. “Семитизмы в Новом Завете”. (Semitisms in the New Testament.) Published in: Альфа и Омега 30 (2001), pp. 38-49; 32 (2002), pp. 23-36.

2001. “Текстологическое сопоставление Синодального перевода Нового Завета и издания Nestle-Aland'a”. (A Textological Comparison of the Russian Synodal Translation of the New Testament and the Edition of Nestle-Aland.) Published in: Альфа и Омега 28, pp. 12-29

Gadilia, Ketevan (coordinator of various IBT projects, 2000-present)

2011. “Filling Some Gaps : Notes on the History of Georgian Bible Translation”. Published in: The Bible Translator, 62(1), pp. 46-54.

2009. “Категория определенности и неопределенности в контексте предикатно-аргументной структуры предложения в некоторых западноиранских языках ”. (The Category of Definiteness in Certain Western Iranian Languages.) Published in: Вопросы языкознания 2009 (1), pp. 82-90.

Kazenin, Konstantin (coordinator/exegetical advisor/consultant in various IBT projects, mid-1990s-early 2000s)

2013. Синтаксис современного лакского языка. (The Syntax of the Contemporary Lak Language.) Makhachkala: Alef Press.

2012. Элементы Кавказа. Земля, власть и идеология в Северокавказских республиках. (Caucasian Elements: Land, Power, and Ideology in the North Caucasian Republics.) Moscow: Regnum Press.

2009. “Discontinuous nominals, linear order, and morphological complexity in languages of the North Caucasus”. Published in: Linguistic Typology, 13(3), pp. 391-416.

2003. “Focus in Daghestanian and word order typology”. Published in: Linguistic Typology, 6(3), pp. 289-316.

De Regt, Lénart (consultant in various IBT projects on behalf of United Bible Societies, 2000-present)

2008. “Hebrew Verb Forms in Prose and in Some Poetic and Prophetic Passages: Aspect, Sequentiality, Mood and Cognitive Proximity”. Published in: Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages34(1), pp. 75-103.

2006. Canon and Modern Bible Translation in Interconfessional Perspective. (Editor.) Istanbul: United Bible Societies / Bible Society in Turkey (distributed by Eisenbrauns).

2006. “Hebrew Syntactic Inversions and their Literary Equivalence in English: Robert Alter’s Translations of Genesis and 1 and 2 Samuel”. Published in: Journal for the Study of the Old Testament30, pp. 287-314.

2001. “Person Shift in Prophetic Texts: Its Function and its Rendering in Ancient and Modern Translations”. Published in: The Elusive Prophet: The Prophet as a Historical Person, Literary Character and Anonymous Artist(Oudtestamentische Studiën 45), edited by J.C. de Moor. Leiden: Brill, pp. 214-231.

1999. Participants in Old Testament Texts and the Translator. Reference Devices and their Rhetorical Impact. Studia Semitica Neerlandica 39). Assen: Van Gorcum.

1996. Literary Structure and Rhetorical Strategies in the Hebrew Bible. (Co-editor.) Assen: Van Gorcum / Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns.

Somov, Alexey (exegetical advisor in Kurmanji-Kurdish and Kalmyk projects, 2006-2013; consultant in various IBT projects, 2014-present)

2020. Jesus’ Banquet Etiquette (Luke 14:7-14) and the Heavenly Banquet. In: History and Theology in the Gospels. Edited by T. Nicklas, K.-W. Niebuhr & M. Seleznev. WUNT 447, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 359-371.

2019. “Physicians” in LXX Ps 87:11 and Isa 26:14: The Septuagint Rendering as a Polemic against the Hellenistic Cultural-Religious Environment. Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies (JSCS), 59, 145-156.

2018. The Dove in the Story of Jesus’ Baptism: Early Christian Interpretation of a Jewish Image. The Bible Translator 69.2, 240-251.

2018. Afterlife. In: Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity (BEEC), eds. Paul J. J. van Geest and Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte, Leiden. Brill (a preview publication).

2017. Somov, A. and V. Voinov. Translating ‘Abraham’s Bosom’ (Luke 16:22-23) as a Key Metaphor in the Overall Composition of the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. Catholic Biblical Quarterly 79.4, 615-633.

2017. Representations of the Afterlife in Luke-Acts. Library of New Testament Studies 556; London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark.

2014. “’He lifted up his eyes’: Translating Luke 16:23 in the Context of Cognitive Interpretation”. Published in: Journal of Biblical Text Research , 35 , pp. 291-309.

2014. “Когнитивная теория метафоры в интерпретации Священного Писания”. (Cognitive Metaphor Theory in the Interpretation of Holy Scripture.) Published in: Страницы: Богословие, культура, образование, 18(3), pp. 343-352.

2013. ”Библейские термины концептуального поля «загробная жизнь» (перевод Библии на языки буддийской культуры)". (Translating Biblical Terms Related to the Conceptual Domain of the Afterlife in Languages with a Buddhist Culture.) Published in: Родной язык 1, pp. 93-116.

2013. ”Концепт «воскресение из мертвых» в картине мира авторов библейской и околобиблейской литературы". (The Concept of the Resurrection from the Dead in the Worldview of the Authors of Biblical and Cognate Literature.) Published in: Религиоведческие исследования 7-8, Moscow, pp. 169-194.

Testelets, Yakov. (exegetical advisor in various IBT projects, 1998-present)

2001. Введение в общий синтаксис. (An Introduction to General Syntax.) Moscow: RGGU Press.

1996. “Translating the New Testament into the Avar language”. (Co-author.) Published in: The Bible Translator, 47(4), pp. 434-443.

Voinov, Vitaly (IBT Russia director, 2013-present; exegetical advisor in Tuvan & Ggauz projects; consultant in Lak & Tskhur projects)

2020. Intrusive Voices: Translating unexpected changes of speaker in the Bible. The Bible Translator 71(3): 281–302.

2019. The phonology of head-rhyme in Tuvan versification. (Co-authored with Lyudmilla Mizhit.)  Central Asiatic Journal 62(2):149-174.

2018. Revisiting vocative γύναι in John 2:4: A plea for linguistic realism. Journal of Biblical Text Research 42(2018.4):157-172.

2016. Sibilant harmony in Tuvan roots. Rodnoy yazyk 1(4):8-20. 

2015. Language Vitality Through Bible Translation. (Co-editor.) Berkeley Insights in Linguistics and Semiotics - Volume 95. Peter Lang Publishing.

2014. Politeness Devices in the Tuvan Language. Turcologica 101. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

2013. “‘Seeing’ is ‘trying’: The relation of visual perception to attemptive modality in the world’s languages”. Published in: Language and Cognition,  5(1), pp. 61-80.

2012. “Troublesome Transliterations”. Published in: The Bible Translator, 63(1), pp. 17-27.

2002. “Pronominal Theology in Translating the Gospels”. Published in: The Bible Translator , 53(2), pp. 210-218. 


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