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The main goal of the Lausanne-Orthodox Initiative is "to reflect constructively on the history of relationships between Evangelicals and Orthodoxin order to work towards better understanding, and encourage reconciliation and healing where wounds exist."  The focus of the 2014 meeting, held at St. Vlash Monastery outside of Durres, Albania 15-19 September, was on the mission of God, and the different but potentially complementary approaches to mission in Orthodox and evangelical churches.


On 8-10 October 2014, an international conference entitled «InterMission Global» was held in Bangkok, Thailand. The event gathered almost 240 participants from around the world – representatives of organizations dedicated to the cause of Bible translation. IBT Russia/CIS was represented by Dr. Ketevan Gadilia, linguist and administrative coordinator of many of IBT's Bible translation projects.


Responding to numerous requests from Tuvan churches, the Institute for Bible Translation has published the 2nd edition of its popular Children's Bible in the Tuvan language – "Illustrated Stories from the Bible". The first edition was so popular that the entire print-run was distributed within the first several weeks after being delivered to Tuva in 2001 together with the New Testament. Since then, IBT completed work on the entire Old Testament and published the full Tuvan Bible in 2011.


IBT has added the Adyghe translation of the Old Testament book of Proverbs to our long list of publications. The Adyghe language is spoken in the northwestern part of the Caucasus area of Russia by about 117,000 people, who are closely related to the Kabardian and Cherkess peoples and together with them make up the Circassian ethnic group.


  •   Institute for Bible Translation
    PO Box 360
    101000 Moscow, Russia
  •   +7 (495) 956-6446
  •   +7 (495) 956-6439